How to get dahlia tubers out of the ground

How should you get dahlia tubers out of the ground? We'll explain it to you! Learn everything about the preparation, output and storage.
Make sure you start preparing at least a week in advance. Cut off all flowers and faded flowers so that the plant can process all the energy to the tuber.
What do you need?
What equipment do you need to get the tubers out of the ground? Think for example of a fork (prong), crates and labels.
How do you know what colour flower to get out of the ground when all the flowers have been cut away?
When you have cut all of the flowers off the plant, only green plants remain. How do you know which colour belongs to which dahlia plant? Chantal gives you some tips.
How should you cut the dahlia?
What techniques do you use when cutting the dahlia and how many cm of the stem should you leave? We recommend about 10 cm.
Getting the tuber out of the ground, what's the best way to do this?
It is advisable to use a prong (fork) when removing the tubers from the ground. This allows you to 'pop' the tubers right out of the ground with as little as possible. Then put a label around it. Then you always know what type or colour it is.
Save tubers to plant again next year
Do you want to store the tubers? Wrap them in newspaper and put them in a dry and cool place. A damp room will cause mold to form on the tubers.
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