How to care for anemones

How should you care for anemones? Anemones bloom from June to October. When you plant them in the autumn, they flower from the end of May. If you only plant anemone bulbs at the same time as the summer bloomers, you will see the first ones appear in July-August. In this article you can read everything you need to know about caring for anemones.
How should I care for planted anemone bulbs?
Always soak anemone bulbs in water for a few hours before planting them. About 10 hours or overnight is good. After soaking, the bulb looks very different. It is important that you do not plant the bulbs too deep. The recommended planting depth is 7 cm. For the care of the anemone bulbs it is important that the soil is moist, especially just after planting. This allows the anemones to saturate themselves with water. But make sure that the soil is not too wet,as the bulbs are susceptible to rot, make sure that the soil is well-drained.
Is an anemone annual or perennial?
Anemones are not officially hardy, which means they are annuals. Although there are exceptions. If the ground has not frozen hard in the winter, you will see the anemones again the following year. For this reason, most people plant anemones only in the spring, not in the autumn. Because the chance of prolonged severe frost is minimal in the Netherlands, we often plant the anemones in the autumn.
What should I do if the anemones have finished blooming?
When anemones have finished flowering, let them wilt, after which you can cut the stem. You can leave the anemone bulbs in the ground. Without a harsh winter, there is a good chance that the anemones will flower again the following year.
Can anemones freeze in winter?
Anemone bulbs freeze when you plant them during a period of prolonged severe frost. The bulb can freeze when the frost penetrates the soil and into the bulb. To prevent this, you can put a pile of old leaves or straw on the planting site.
Have you planted anemones in pots? If it freezes for a longer period in the winter, put the pots in a shed or wrap the pots in bubble wrap. Frost can easily penetrate deep into a pot from several sides and damage the bulb.
Watch out for snails in your young anemones
Snails love the young green plants as they emerge. So keep snails away.
Now you know all about caring for anemones. Do you want to know more about planting anemones? We have written a separate article about this.
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